Why talk about mentoring at Medium?

1 min readApr 13, 2021

Mentoring is a buzz word its powerful and a popular way for people to learn a variety of personal and professional skills. In fact, mentoring is one of the oldest forms of influence. Mentoring is a great way to gain insight into where you want to be and how you can get there. You will gain access to the mentors experiences and network.

The fundamental value in mentoring is that the mentee (you, who wants a change), have all the answer and with a help with the mentor asking a lot of questions. You will start planning your path.

So do you want to learn anything about yourself or excel, then look out for my posts. I will be posting about personal development the mentoring way.

Thanks For Reading…

I’m Thor-Erik Gulliksen, AKA MentorGuru and author of four books (two about mentoring and two about entrepreneurship) and one of three international experts who co-author the book «Ferramentas de Mentoring (in Spanish, Portugees and English).

I have 20 years of experience in mentoring, both as a mentor and as a coordinator of mentoring programs. And together with 30 years of business experience I have a big box of tools for inspiration and personal development.

Join me on my blog www.mentorguru.info


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Mentoring / Entrepreneurship / Training / Public Speaking / Facilitation. Join me on my blog www.mentorguru.info and listen to my podcast The talk-by Mentorguru