Why should I manifest?

1 min readJul 3, 2023

A popular buzz word now is MANIFESTING, but what does it mean and should I try it?

Manifesting is when you focusing your thoughts, beliefs on a specific outcome or desire, and then abracadabra… bring it into your reality.

I read “The secret” a long time ago and started to notice that I attracted and manifested my desires into my life. The whole book is about Laws of Attraction, I even got the work book.

It helped me to clarify my goals, develop a plan, and stay focused on my aspirations.

You really should manifest, because it makes you focus on a whole other level than if you don't…

Read more on https://www.thesecret.tv/

Thanks For Reading…

I’m Thor-Erik Gulliksen, AKA MentorGuru and author of four books (two about mentoring and two about entrepreneurship) and one of three international experts who co-author the book «Ferramentas de Mentoring (in Spanish, Portugees and English).

I have over 20 years of experience in mentoring, both as a mentor and as a coordinator of mentoring programs. And together with 30 years of business experience I have a big box of tools for inspiration and personal development.

Listen to my podcast at: “The talk — by Mentorguru” on Spotify, Apple and Google podcast.

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Mentoring / Entrepreneurship / Training / Public Speaking / Facilitation. Join me on my blog www.mentorguru.info and listen to my podcast The talk-by Mentorguru