3 steps to plan your success

Feb 17, 2022

Planning is half the job and the results are only as good as your plan

Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash

Its a lot of different sayings, but does it make us plan? Does the difference between failure and success lays in a plan? I don't know, but I do now that with a plan you are more focused… And I believe in focus — focus will get you there.

  1. Sit down and make a plan and set goals.
  2. Just do what your plan says
  3. Reflect over the plan, what you have been done and the outcome

You maybe think this sounds very easy and maybe to easy, but before you reject it try it first.

I think it is so simple, make a plan with goals, do it and then reflect over the result…




Mentoring / Entrepreneurship / Training / Public Speaking / Facilitation. Join me on my blog www.mentorguru.info and listen to my podcast The talk-by Mentorguru